January 2018

Juniper Bandwidth Restriction to Single IP

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Juniper Bandwidth Restriction to Single IP #set firewall policer 10mb  if-exceeding bandwidth-limit 10m #set firewall policer 10mb  if-exceeding burst-size-limit 1m #set firewall policer 10mb  then discard [Create policer name 10mb for 10mb bandwidth] #set firewall filter bandwidth-control term 1 from source-address #set firewall filter bandwidth-control term… Read More »Juniper Bandwidth Restriction to Single IP

Juniper NTP Configuration

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Juniper NTP Configuration You want to periodically resynchronise the time on the router to limit the effects of clock drift. Configure the router to periodically get time updates from an NTP server: # set system ntp server # show… Read More »Juniper NTP Configuration