Upgrade an IOS on a Cisco Router from PCMCIA Flash
Before Starting procedure you need to download and install a TFTP server on your PC
There are many Free TFTP server just download one and install your PC.
Step 1
Create a consol connection with the default setting
Step 2
Check you have enough space in your flash card
Router#dir slot1:
If you find that there is not enough space, you can delete one or more files from the flash:
Router#delete slot1: FILENAME.bin
Step 3
Copy the new IOS file from the TFTP server to the router:
Router#copy tftp slot1:
Address or name of remote host []? [This IP is your TFTP Server IP]
Source filename []? c1700-sy7-mz.123-15.bin [This file name is your IOS file name]
Destination filename [c1700-sy7-mz.123-15.bin]? [Hit Enter or if you want change file name cialis prix then type new file name]
Accessing tftp://……….
Erase slot1: before copying? [confirm] [If you want delete all file then “y” otherwise “n”]
Step 4
then it will install properly after then you need to verify the new IOS file
Router#dir slot1:
Step 5
Direct the router to load the new IOS file in the next boot:
Router(config)#no boot system
Router(config)#boot system flash slot1:c1700-sy7-mz.123-15.bin
Step 6
Make sure that the configuration register has the value of 0x2102. This is verified by the ‘show version’ command.
If the configuration register has a value other than 0x2102, use the following command to change it:
Router(config)#config-register 0x2102
Save the configuration with one of the two following commands: